Usually while on facebook, I'll only go on there to post new pics, occasionally update my profile pic, and play cafe world, so when I saw a class reunion for the class of 2002, I clicked on it. A friend of mines from Bok decided to have a small get together at Dave & Buster's March 20th, as a means of catching up, just 2 years shy of our 10 year class reunion. I quickly accepted, as most of my friends and acquaintances I haven't seen in 8 years. Then I thought about something that on television shows people torture themselves about before being around their peers...their weight. I'll admit, I'm not the same size I was in 2002, let alone the same size I was in 2008.
I'm usually one to be confident in my own skin, and I'll admit have gotten quite "settled" in my relationship, but there's something about being around my peers, that makes me take notice of the small things. The picture on the left is me at the Senior class splash party a cool 125 pounds, extra small shirt and size 7/8 jeans. The picture on the right is of me at Del State homecoming 2009 182 wearing a med/lg shirt and a size 13 pants. Some may say well Tia over the years you do gain weight as you get older; however, I don't have any justification of my weight gain outside of eating and little to no exercise. Most of my peers have settled down into marriage with children, and others are single parents, I'm not married and have no children, and I'm a little worried that they'll look at me strange. I say this because a guy I had a crush on in high school saw me on the G bus in 2003, around my freshman year at Del State and said these exact words: "In high school you were the truth, but now I don't know..." As if this dude actually was an Idris Elba, he looked kinda smoked out to me.
Maybe I'm being shallow, or insecure to a certain degree but presentation is everything. I want to still have the wow factor I had in high school when my waist, hips, thighs and arms were slimmer. No doubt when I step up in the place I'll be dressed to the nine's, and I'll make sure to have on an all black outfit, cuz after all, black makes you look smaller. :-p
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