Tia's Blog Space

Monday, March 8, 2010

I got the golden ticket!

I first heard of the President visiting my job Arcadia University on Thursday but it was supposed to be hush, hush. By Friday the word was out and the campus was a buzz, I knew I didn't really have a chance in hell as to seeing him, so I prepared to take pics of the big screen, all the while bubbly on the inside. I had planned on wearing business casual clothing from my days of old at Honda Financial Services, instead of my uniform of tan slacks and a button up shirt. As I was getting off the bus, I saw a bunch of protesters outside the campus with their signs and posters, as well as Cheltenham Police and a number of security from all over.

Around 10:30, we got a call from our big boss Mimi telling us that we got tickets to see the President. At first, we tried walking straight towards the Kuch Center, but quickly were turned away. After 10-15 minutes, my co-workers and I tried again, this time walking around the residence halls and other buildings towards the back of the Kuch Center. We were given our tickets, and went through a pat down and metal detectors, just like my good ole days at Bok and Del State. While standing and waiting, I was interviewed via the radio for a station based in Philly on 900 AM. (Link for that coming soon!) I also put it out there, that while I'm currently employed at Arcadia University, I was always looking for opportunities to branch out into Mass Communications, after all, that's what I prepared a career in. Finally, after a prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, and a speech from a single mother currently struggling with high health care premiums, the President of the United States entered the stage to cheers and a standing ovation.

The President greeted everyone from Governor Ed Rendell, to state representatives, and the mayor of Philadelphia, to the students, staff and faculty of Arcadia University. He then proceeded to taking off his suit jacket stating, "Man, it's hot in here." Of course I was hooting b/c after all the President is a handsome man. He then went into his speech on the push for health care reform, and how he wants it to be possible for current young adults to stay on their parents health insurance until the age of 26. I missed that boat unfortunately, I've already began working and I'll be 26 this year. The President made some good points, and of course there were naysayers in the crowd, blurting out their opinions, and that just wasn't the right environment to do so, I saw Secret Service coming around with their glocks on their waists, I was certain they would take the men out, literally. The President finished around noon, shook a few hands, and I couldn't get too close to him anyway, I was all the way in the back. I'm all for the health care reform, my current health insurance only covers 30% of my dental, and I have to pay the rest out of my pocket, currently I'm paying $445 for my wisdom teeth pulling from a month ago. How many people can actually say, they had the opportunity to hear and see the President speak?

Side Note anybody from the Philly area knows NBC 10 news anchor Renee Chenault-Fattah, well she was at Arcadia as well. First, her complexion is actually lighter in person than what it is on tv, and she's beautiful. I tried to get a picture of her too, but homegirl that was with her, blocked her from my camera AND my phone.  Then as they were leaving through the back door with other news people, the woman had a nerve to give me the stink eye. Hey lady, it's not everyday that I get to see President Obama, and one of the women in Mass Communications that inspired me to get into Mass Communications.

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